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{Arrivals jump} Over 52k tonnes of paddy reaches mandis on Oct 8

Paddy arrival crossed the one lakh tonne mark on Tuesday after procurement operation of the kharif crop started one week after the official date of commencement of purchase. Procurement was hit as the arhtiyas had boycotted work for seven straight days.
Punjab Mandi Board data reveals that on October 8, a total of 52,473 tonnes of paddy reached the mandis in all 23 districts which was the highest arrival in this procurement season that started from October 1.
To date, the total arrival has reached 1.42 lakh tonnes, and only 56% of paddy has been purchased.
Data says 59,427 tonnes of paddy was purchased on Tuesday, taking the total crop bought by various agencies to 79,427 tonnes. Government agencies have procured 71,242 tonnes, whereas the share of private players is 8,185 tonnes to date.
Patiala is leading with the arrival trend where more than 40,000 tonnes have already hit the mandis, followed by Kapurthala (15,144 tonnes), Amritsar (13,212 tonnes) and Fatehgarh Sahib (11,464 tonnes).
All seven districts of the south Malwa region have registered a slow arrival as the harvest has yet to begin.
Data shows that a total of 29,000 tonnes of paddy has been purchased till October 8 in Patiala followed by Amritsar where the various players bought 12,000 tonnes of crop.
In the rest of the 21 districts, total purchase quantity stands at 7,400 tonnes.
Official data says that a total of 63,000 tonnes of paddy is lying unsold in mandis across the state. The district Patiala that has witnessed the highest arrival has also registered nearly 11,000 tonnes of paddy unsold, the highest in the state.
However, the arrival and purchase of non-basmati are going on at a slower pace in comparison to the previous kharif marketing season. Data analysis says that in 2023, 7.46 lakh tonnes of paddy arrived till October 8 whereas, in the corresponding period this year, the arrivals were hampered by 81% due to the strike by the arhtiyas.
Procurement factfile
Total arrivals (Oct 8): 1.42 lakh tonnes
Arrivals on Oct 8: 52,000 tonnes
Total procured: 79,000 tonnes (Govt agencies: 71,000 tonnes, pvt players: 8,100 tonnes)
Highest arrivals till Oct 8
Patiala: 40,000 tonnes
Kapurthala: 15,000 tonnes
Amritsar: 13,000 tonnes
Fatehgarh Sahib: 11,000 tonnes
