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Trump vows to ‘get America out’ of Ukraine war, blames Biden for conflict

At a rally in Atlanta on Sept. 24, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized America’s involvement in the war in Ukraine, saying the country is “stuck” and will only be able to “get out” if he wins the election.
Trump claimed that “Biden and Kamala (Harris) got us into this war in Ukraine, and now they can’t get us out,” while promising to “settle the war in Ukraine” if elected.
“But we’re stuck in that war unless I’m president. I’ll get it done. I’ll get it negotiated. I’ll get out. We gotta get out,” Trump said.
He also described President Volodymyr Zelensky as “the greatest salesman on Earth,” alleging that each of Zelensky’s visits to the U.S. results in receiving “a hundred billion.”
Trump’s possible return to the White House is causing concern in Ukraine.
The pro-Trump wing of the Republican Party blocked the U.S. aid bill in Congress for months earlier this year, which proved detrimental to the situation on the Ukrainian battlefields and contributed to the loss of a key city of Avdiivka.
